Monday, 6 August 2007

hello, it's me, is there still anybody out there!

I haven’t blogged for so long, it seems everytime I think about how long it has been it frightens me off...but I need to get back into it soon so here goes...

I have been very busy over the last few months with working and family and although my usual short blogs don’t take that long to write and publish - I leave it, and then it seems the I have too much to say until it all becomes too hard so I write nothing, so not too much focusing on what I have been up to and onto the future. However, I have not let my blog reading become so slack and have kept up with all of you.

The scales have been creeping up a little, but I am determined not to go back into the 80’ last week as I was scoffing a bag of extremely yummy Eta Sancho Corn Chips I asked myself why on earth I was eating them and everything else in sight all the time. I decided I wanted to make my weightwatchers goal (69kg) so I can stop paying them money (I really, really don’t want to quit until I make my goal), so I am on a “august challenge”, no idea what I could reward myself with at the end of the month but my goal for this month is to get into virgin WW weight which would be 77.5kg (or lower). So far I have had 5 days 100% on track and with today almost finished soon it will be 6. No exercise though so I really do need to make an effort to get up earlier in the morning to tread the elliptical.

The weight goals I am setting myself are:
· 77.5kg - virgin ww weight of
· 75 - it's just a nice round number
· 72.3 – 30kg loss since I began my journey (pre ww)
· 69kg – GOAL!

So that is 10kg’s in rough 2.5kg lots, if only I had some good rewards but I don’t tend to do too well with those, I find when I want something I just get it and then there is nothing I seem to want badly enough to make it a goal to really strive for. One thing I do want is another tattoo, and I have been looking for a while now for what I want but it seems the more I find the more I don’t know what to do, I know one day I will just come across the perfect picture like my last one, so when I do I will want it then.

While doing my grocery shopping the other week I came across a whole new range of Weight Watchers cakes, YUM. I am very fond of the Lamington Squares, but they also have chocolate chip bars and blueberry bars. I have also seen price labels for lemon slice, carrot, caramel and chocolate somethings, but the shelves were emply, must be coming soon. (drooling over the lemon slice already).
While at the supermarket the lady serving me asked me what I was doing as I am so 'skinny' now, made me chuckle, skinny...I wish but an awesome compliment all the same...will visit her checkout more often.

Kirkcaldies has been having there bi-annual sale the last few weeks, hubby has been in spending up large, he likes his nice gear and has bought himself a couple of nice Rockport sweaters and two shirts and three more business shirts…I bought the kids a couple of things, a cardigan for Connor (old before his time at nine, he just lives in the things), half price at $35.00 and Jordyn I just bought a top and pants because you can’t go home with something for only one. I also got some perfume, yummy Samsara, but I got the Au Du Toilette and now wish I had gone for the Parfum as I just can’t smell the damn stuff. Anyhow I decided I would rather go to the tail end of the Farmers sale and got my two nice ‘Jigsaw’ tops for $30 each (normally $90 each) so I was wrapped. When I first started working I had all nice and easy wash - dryer – hang tops but now they tend to be becoming more wash – hang to dry on coathanger tops, maybe with the weight loss and extra confidence the nicer more expensive tops appeal majorly.

I really want to try out the Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls from the latest Weight Watchers cookbook, but with bloody cucumbers priced at over $5.00 each they just may need to wait a little longer. I was thinking of checking out the Farmers Market out in Porirua at the weekend maybe I can get more for my money than the supermarket can give.

Oh and this morning I got out of the car to walk to work and my friggin heel snapped off my pants were long enough to hide this so I made it through the day without having to buy more...I already have another pair at home so didn't see the point in buying another pair this close to the end of Winter (well hopefully it is). We also had thunder and lighting at 6.45am this morning, weird time for it but the day got better and was actually quite warm while waiting at the school for the kids.

Oh and last weeks weigh-in was good a starting point as any.

Oh and it sounds like the mid winter christmas was an outstanding success with a great time had by all, wish I could have made it.

Right I am out of here, dinner does not cook itself...more's the pity (actually I have just discovered that I do actually enjoy cooking and don't hate it as much as I thought I did) BYE!.